Miles Mendoza mentioned this website the other day. It's a service that allows strangers to send in comments on how you look wearing garments in order to help you make a decision on whether or not to make a purchase.
So you'd walk into a clothes store, ask to try on a pair of trousers (for example), take them into the dressing room, put them on and take a photo of you in the mirror with your cameraphone, leave the shop saying thanks but your not sure. Then you send the photo to the site by multi-media messaging and then wait a few minutes until texts start arriving from strangers who view the image (now on the website), leaving a comment and can say honestly whether the trousers make your arse look fat or not. I think this is hilarious! I bet it was a guy who came up with the idea.
I must say, that image you have for this blog posting is some unique thing to see in the morning. Lol.
Yep, apparently you can buy a false bottom to turn yourself into a bubble butt. Think I might try that!
Yeah, the whole concept of body sculpting by surgery sort of turns me off. I'm into natural a whole lot more.
There is a use for EVERYTHING on the internet.
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