Ever since watching Dirty Harry the first time as a kid and Death Wish too, I've sort of been attracted to the notion of vigilantism. There was also the Edward Woodward show The Equaliser that I enjoyed too. I'm attracted to the appeal of cops who are tough and who cross the line sometimes in order to bring the bad guys down. This week I was lucky enough to purchase a copy of the Gameboy Advance game Max Payne. It has a great storyline and cool graphic novel slides inbetween the action. These story sections are narrated, knowing the limitations of sound on the GBA, you'll appreciate how great it is to get anything like real human speech out of it but Max Payne does a great job, the game was less than a fiver too, amazing!
If I had a gun I would have used it today in a vigilante attack. I was crossing the road at a leisurely pace, no vehicles in sight. When suddenly a massive cement mixer truck is bearing down on me, like a rabbit I dash across to safety only to see the driver laughing heartily. I shouted back "You think that's funny do you? Do you?" but he just kept laughing. Fortunately, I was fit enough to be abe to run across in time but an old person or a child might not have been. What a dozy wanker he was!
Side note: Blogger should be renamed Bogger. It's let me down badly this week. Does anyone else notice that it's getting worse? It seems to be down for maintenance a lot too.
Won't be around for a couple of days now, due to a family outing.
It makes me laugh when they say "down for maintenance". Doesn't maintenance mean that they are fixing it make it run BETTER? It was acting up last night, and I wanted to read some blogs, but couldn't even get to them.
Way to go with yelling at the cement mixer jerk. His company apparently doesn't consider maturity when hiring people into their team.
Thanks, ladies!
Caatje: I don't really like theme parks - more sort of put up with them and try to make the most of it. But the fireworks were good, even though we waited in the rain for two and a haf hours for the show to start! Now my wife and I have streaming colds!
Tara: Blogger has been a big pain in the a** this week, it has stopped me posting stuff and has just been awful! I hope it improves. And yes, I think truck driver guy was a total idiot! However, I suppose I might have looked funny when I realised I was about to get flattened!
No problems to report here, but I read them talking about it on Blogger Buuz!
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