Sunday, October 01, 2006

Second Chance

Have you ever felt something was broken so that you reluctantly had to let go, only to find some time later that it wasn't actually broken so bad and can be fixed? No, I'm not talking about relationships, I'm taking about my old PDA. I own an old Compaq iPaq that's been gathering dust in a drawer. The battery is screwed, but the screen is still OK and as long as it's not left on AC power too long it works. Long enough for me to draw with anyway. I thought I broke it a while back because it wouldn't even turn on after I'd gven it a good charge. It's probably some power cut out thing. I wish I could get my old digital camera to work but I don't think that's ever gonna happen...


Anonymous said...

when I first bought my mp3 player, I thought it was broken, but it ended up I was just too retarded to figure out how to use it correctly. duh!

FW said...

Caatje: I know how you feel. Our old digital compact camera is broken seemingly beyond repair :-(

Webmiztris: Oops! I'm sure that's happened to me too! D'oh!

Nicole said...

So far that hasn't my knowledge. Oh dear, now I'm starting to worry that I've let something go too soon! ;)