Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Cold

Well, it's finally happened. I have been living on borrowed time for a while. But yesterday I definitely can say I got the cold I've been holding at bay. One of my nostrils was blocked the whole day. I've been spraying it with Vicks Sinus spray (which I realised this morning should have been thrown away in 2004!) to no avail. Also, I had to make a train trip to another office to go and watch a presentation/briefing from this OD guy. Well, it WAS as boring as it sounds. I hadn't slept well on Monday night, at around 2am my kids started crying because one of them had wet the bed - unfortunately they had crept into the same bed. I got up at 5am and read some blogs downstairs. So my lack of sleep, the unusually warm office, the drone drone of the man's voice and because it was DULL and non-interactive it happened......I struggled hard to fight when you're driving a long distance and you have to open the window or pull contorted faces to try and stay awake.....except I could do neither of those guessed it.......I fellll asssssslllllpzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ASLEEP! Oh! I mean, asleep, yes I fell asleep, sorry! In and out of sleep I fell during the middle of the presentation. I don't think anybody realised but I'm just not 100% sure. I joked about my snoring with someone who was there and he didn't laugh much, so that's my main indicator
that they didn't realise I was in the Land of Nod. Oh boy! What a long way to go to then fall asleep during the most important bit of the presentation. But what a crap way to inform employees of the changes: give them a 2 hour non-interactive session that puts them under.

MY GOD! I just realised, how do I know we weren't all put to sleep while moulds were taken of our teeth. We could all have been cloned, Jeez man WTF???


Tara said...

You might think they didn't notice, but if they're the same kind of people from my office, they were quietly snickering at you. Be glad you didn't wake up with a Post It note stuck on you. :) Course if you had a computer in front of your or something, you could've looked like you were reading. Unless your head was back and your mouth was you sleep like that?

I'm sorry the Cold got to you! Get some sleep!

FW said...

I think we were all just bored to death it wouldn't surprise me if nobody noticed. Sometimes I can hear myself snoring if I'm lite sleeping. I didn't hear myself so I think I'm OK. Do need to sleep though ;-) I just put my word verification in the password box!

Ryan said...

Isn't that nasal spray trippy? It's like a face enema. :p

Feel better, dude. I'm telling everybody, this cold thing is spreading around the whole blogoshere!