Saturday, March 04, 2006

I felt so guilty that our kids missed their pancakes on Tuesday that I cooked them today for breakfast. We got some mix left, so we'll have them for breakfast tomorrow too. The guilt of being a parent sometimes! Posted by Picasa


Ryan said...

I'm so jealous. You Brits still make your own dinner. We just get ours out of a box!

It has it's conveniences, but you know.

Nicole said...

Wow, can you feel sorry again and can you're do it when we're already at your house? That looks AWESOME! ;)

Nicotine Jones said...

Are those your actual pancakes or a stock photo - because I agree with Nicole - that looks tasty.

FW said...

Ryan: Thanks man, I supplied the egg and water and elbow grease but the mix came from a packet. I'm not a hardcore cook!

Nicole: Thanks, you'll have to be quick, they go pretty fast around here!

Nicotine: Yep, all my own. I cheated a little and upped the contrast though - the lighting in our kitchen is crap!