Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What would you do?

Here's the scenario, you're over at someone's house visiting them. You go to the bathroom, use the loo and wash your hands. Do you:

a) shake and then wipe your hands down your jeans
b) use one of their handtowels that looks a bit dirty and might have germs on it you'd rather not touch
c) use a pristine towel that looks nicely folded for use after a bath

I'm a clean person, I'm certainly not fanatical about cleanliness. I do like to wash my hands after using the loo (after both a no.1 and no.2). But sometimes, when I know a visitor has been in our bathroom to use the loo and I can tell they have used a towel I'll put it into the wash after they've gone.

Would you say this was strange? I hate it when you visit someone and there are no towels at all in the bathroom - what are you meant to do? The worst is when there is only a horrible looking towel that is all thin and got holes in it. Or even worse, in a public loo and it has no hand driers or paper towels and only one of those thin towel-on-a-roll things you have to pull down to get to a clean part. Sometimes those things get jammed and there's only a dirty damp bit to use, in those circumstances I just wipe my hands on my clothes somewhere. I try not to use public loos if I can avoid it.

In the scenario I outlined above, I'd probably just check that the handtowel isn't too dirty and use the cleanest part of it - probably not rubbing too hard and rub my hands on my sweater or something to get rid of any excess. I'd feel guilty about wetting a clean bathtowel.

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This was one of those thoughts I had this morning - I thought it would make an interesting blog post but instantly forgot it and just now I tried really really hard to remember what it was and I did! Most of the time, I have a great idea away from the computer and simply forget it until I'm away from the computer again.


Tara said...

I have tried to post the same message for awhile now tonight. Cursed Blogger.

Regarding Public Restrooms: We don't have that many now that have that dirty circulating rag. We have the paper towels and blow dryers. If there are only blow dryers in the room, I'll wipe my clean hands on my jeans.

Being a guest in a person's bathroom: I'll wipe my hands on the hand towels that are provided (if they are provided), but will not do it if the towels are dirty. I haven't seen those kinds yet, though, thank goodness.

My own bathroom: if I know I'm having guests over, I'll hang a clean and new-looking handtowel on the rack for them.

To each his/her own, though. I say do whatever you feel is sanitarily necessary, ya know?

FW said...

Thanks for commenting. Yesterday was not a good day for me, I wasn't in the right frame of mind for blogging. My judgement was off and I don't think that this post reflected what I'd originally thought of. Sometime its good just to let an idea cook for a while...

Unknown said...

I don't like to use towels that look as if others have used them. In someone else's home, my solution is to use toilet paper! Pull off what I need, dry my hands, then drop it in the trash. Easy!

FW said...

Hi there! Yep, think you might have found the answer to my dilemmas!