Guess who these famous people are:

Top picture: I've mentioned this guy before
Middle picture: This woman is an emancipated lady
Bottom picture: He's very concerned about wild animal welfare but that's a side project
If you liked this game or just liked the pictures, you can check out more of my famous faces at Dinkums and Doodles. It would be fun for me if you want to suggest some famous people you would like to see drawn in my style, I won't promise anything but if I like the suggestions I'll give it a go.
Well the last guy looks like Paul McCartney..Am I right about him?
Tara: Congratulations, my dear!
I just realised I named these images too obviously D'Oh! If you roll your mouse over them you can see who they are, lol!
Oops! Yeah! Well you'll be happy to know that I didn't even catch onto that and I didn't look at Dinkums & Doodles for the answers. This was pure guess. :D
Good guess, my wife got it too! You both surprised me ;-)
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