Is it better for people to stick to one fragrance they wear all the time? My wife for example, only ever wears Chanel. I do like CK One, I think that might be my next choice but I also like a new Hugo Boss fragrance - I can't remember the name now though. Hmm, these are things I ponder.

This is the smell I wear for work. It's fresh, a little spicy and strong without being overpowering.

This is theonly fragrance here that I didn't choose myself, it was bought for me as a present. I don't normally like receiving smells as presents because I think a fragrance is such a personal choice, this one I liked - I got given Joop one year and hated it. Maybe I'm just ungrateful. This fragrance is fresh, aquatic and good when I'm feeling energetic.

I like Hugo Boss fragrances. This one is a nice gentle, sweet smelling favourite of mine and my wife like me wearing it. I bought it in on the way to Spain and I associate the Meditteranean with it - lazy mornings, afternoon siestas and late night shopping and drinking!

I bought this in France, it has a nice clean, fresh and sweet smell. It's not as strong as the others and is very subtle come the end of the day.

This is probably closest to the borderline of not being my taste. I think it's just over the line on my side. It has a strong, tangy smell, I find it has a quality like a ladies perfume that I'm not so keen on when I first put it on (it can b a bit overpowering) but after a few minutes it settles down. At the end of the day it still lasts well.
So have you decided whether to stick to one scent or not?
I try to get into wearing perfume on a regular basis but it never lasts. Mostly because I can't stand to breathe in the scent once allergy season hits. Which is why I've got so many bottles of gift perfume sitting underneath my bathroom sink! ;)
Just one would get too predictable for me. I haven't decided which one I'd like to get next.
I like wearing light scents. I bought a little bag of six perfumes. They are actually body sprays, and they aren't overpowering. Unfortunately, though, the smell doesn't seem to last very long.
Hi Tara, I agree it's difficult to get longevity without the fragrance being too strong when you first apply it.
You changed your avatar, I like it!
Hi Caatje, it is a favourite of mine :-)
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