I've used speech bubbles but I'm not sure how the text will come out so I've typed the text below each cell of the cartoon. Oh yeah, should I say that any likeness to real people is completely incidental? Nah, that's bleedin' obvious!
Title: Don't pop that spot! A Cartoon by FW

Hey honey! I'm home. I have a little spot on my back, can you take a look?

Sure honey, I'm in the kitchen.

(wife dances around in knock-kneed terror) What honey? What's wrong?

(Wife pulls hair out in anxious panic) Oh nothin', it's just a small pimple, nothin' to worry about.

(body bag)

Sorry lady, it was a spot gone berserk. We did what we could.
The End.
LOL! It's aimed at those who enjoy squeezing spots (and inflicting pain) a little too much!
Death by Acne? No amount of Clearasil could've cleared that one up. Yikes! Made me laugh, though. I'm sick.
So will the wife buy a wig for the funeral?
Tara: She'll certainly need a wig! It's funny sometimes how a pimple can get really large and angry on my back and I don't notice it. Until the time either my wife notices or it pops itself.
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