Inside a small coffee house, a man wearing dark shades and a neat suit enters. Behind the counter, a 17 year old junior member of staff looks pensive and nervous. The man orders a coffee and goes to sit down. 15 minutes later he returns to the counter.

OK kid, why don't you tell me what's going on? We've had reports of sour milk in this vicinity. It's making a lot of people sick, kid. A lot of people are stuck on their toilets, afraid to move kid. Talk to me kid and you won't...oh...beginning to feel...strange...what's...happening?

I'm Agent Kobbler from the FBI. It sure is hot in here. Is your heating broken? I said is your heating BROKEN dammit?!

Sir, I don't know what you're talking about! You sure look like shit though, are you gonna be OK? Don't you die on me man!
Whilst the youth is talking the man faints and falls on the floor. The youth instantly believes the man to be dead.

Oh no! Man! I'm going down for this shit! O B'Jesus! My daddy made me! Daddy made me!
The youth is frantic now, wringing his hands. Sweating. Scared. Other customers in the shop are getting up to help the man on the floor. He puts himself between them and the body.

Stay calm people! He was already ill when he came in here. Oh freakin' Jebus! Just sit down will ya? There's no problem with the milk! You'll all be fine, I promise! Oh crap! Look see - I'm gonna dial 911, really. Just stay calm, don't panic! Sweet mother of crap!
As you can imagine. The other customers were not fooled by his weak attempt to take charge of the situation. They all thought "what a jerk!" and pushed him aside to help the FBI agent.
While everyone is distracted, he slopes off to the kitchen to make a phone call.
Final scene, the youth is just making strange anxiety sounds - he's not even talking anymore. He is compulsively emptying milk into the sink though. On the phone, the only thing he's really listening to (ignoring the wailing siren getting louder from outside) is his dad's voice.

Tip it all away, son. Fast as you can. That's good. All away.
The End
Very suspenseful! What will happen to the kid? He's 17, he's too young to get wrapped up in such a bad deal! Sounds like a case for "Law and Order: The Spoiled Milk Unit".
"strange anxiety sounds"...I know those! My manager makes those noises after he's told a bad joke and nobody laughs at it. Lol.
FW, if you're not doing this for a living? You SINCERELY miss your calling. That was awesome! I love suspense... :)
very good story...wierd, but good.
Tara, glad it made you chuckle thinking of your boss.
Nicole, I'd love to do something creative for a living! But no, this is just for pleasure at the moment.
Ashburnite, glad you enjoyed it too. I guess I just started with one picture and the story pretty much wrote itself. It made me laugh it was so bizarre!
LMAO. That was awesome! :p
Thanks dude!
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